Tuesday, 20 February 2007

this is what it looks like outside at the moment, pretty cold don´t you think? at least it´s getting lighter for everyday that goes and when the sun shines it´s even a little bit warm. we had minus 11 this morning and it had snowed last night. the snow isn´t the sort that you make snowballs with, it´s powder that flies around when you throw it in the air. i don´t mind it at all because the dogs are clean and they don´t drag loads of sand into the house. my hubby kjell hates it because he has to sit in the tractor and scrape all the snow off the road around the farm. at least we don´t have earthquakes, landslides, errupting volcanoes, tetsi flies and stuff. as brian always says "always look on the bright side of life"

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