Den enda som är bra med snö är att hundarna blir inte skitiga.
Valparna blev avmaskade för andra gången igår. Jag köpte flytande som heter Welpan, rosa gegga som alla tyckte om. Jag klippte klorna på alla. Jag väntade tills alla sov och klippte framtassarna med nagelklipparen. Det gick mycket bra. Jag tyckte synd om stackars Liz som måste stå ut med sylvassa klor.
Well at last the landscape has changed colour. It snowed quite a bit yesterday and the weatherman said a snowstorm was on it's way for tomorrow.The only advantage with snow is that the dogs don't drag in half a ton of sand and grit every time they've been out for a walk. Another good thing is you get to see lots of tracks from different wild animals. The moose pass by close to the house and roedeer. I haven't seen the bear this year but I can tell you I keep my eyes peeled when I'm out.
The puppies are growing fast. When I wormed them 2 weeks ago they weighed on average 1 kilo and yesterday it was 2 kilos. I clipped there claws as well, poor Liz has had to put up with being punctured every time she nurses them.
We've started feeding the birds as well. I have a bird feeder that accomadates 12 birds at a time which I fill with sunflower seeds. It's really nice watching them when we sit in the kitchen. My 2 favorites are the waxwing and bullfinch, very beautiful birds.